Protect of Children Act
Here's a cause that is worth posting. Oprah is doing a show to help protect our little ones. I think we should all get on board to see this Act passed. Here is a clip from her blog below.
Help Pass Senate Bill 1738—The PROTECT Our Children Act
Help Pass Senate Bill 1738—The PROTECT Our Children Act
The PROTECT Our Children Act will:
- Authorize over $320 million over the next five years in desperately needed funding for law enforcement to investigate child exploitation.
- Mandate that child rescue be a top priority for law enforcement receiving federal funding.
- Allocate funds for high-tech computer software that can track down Internet predators.
Now here is the most important part:
Go to to find contact information for the senators in your state. Search for your senator by name or state by clicking on the arrow from either dropdown menu. Contact information is provided here. To send an e-mail, click on "Web Form" below his or her name, and e-mail your letter to make a difference!