7 Tips to Save on Groceries

Seven Money Saving Grocery Shopping Tips

A Little Homework
Planning before you head off to the supermarket will help you shop more economically. Read the newspaper and circulars for the best deals.

Choosing the Right Store
For basic grocery needs many grocery stores now offer excellent product and price selection, frequent shoppers programs, and double coupon days.

Eat First!
Grocery stores know the power of the sweet smell of freshly baked bread. Just one sniff will ignite the appetite and send even the most hardened shopper down the aisle grabbing for anything that looks good.

Coupons, Rebates, and Frequent Shopper Programs
You can save hundreds of dollars a year by taking advantage of product incentives. Even the less enthusiastic coupon clipper can shave an average of ten percent off their bottom-line by cashing in a small handful of coupons per trip.

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Store Brands - Try it, You May Like it!
The days of generic type packaging and bland tasting food in store brand products is over. Companies have worked hard to improve their private-label brands and often the taste is equal to the national brands.

Setting Limits on Impulse Buying
Avoiding spontaneous shopping trips is one of the best deterrents to impulse buying. A well thought out shopping list that you stick to will help cut-down on grabbing for things that you do not need.

Comparison Shopping
To determine the true value of a product, read the unit price, not just package price. The unit price information is usually on a sticker located on the shelf that holds the item.

Watch the Scanner
It may mean you need to put down the magazine but this is not the place to get lax. Keeping your eyes peeled to the scanner has dual advantages. First, it will keep the cashier more alert. Secondly, it will allow you to stop the checkout process if an item is showing the incorrect price.

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Oba said…
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