10 Place to Find Freelance Telecommute Jobs Today!

Here is a list of 10 great websites to find freelance writing jobs. These positions are geared specifically to writers who wish to telecommute or work remotely. You can be earning extra cash tomorrow if you choose to.

Media Bistro

You will have to register, but it is a super free service. Once you get the hang of their sorting function, you can find jobs in your area, or choose the telecommute or contractual drop down menu items. This is a great choice.

Sunoasis Jobs

A great list usually kept up to date.

Online Writing Jobs

This community forum that has three different areas for writing leads: high-paying, low-paying and non-paying. Here is a tip: want to know the number of writers you are competing against for these postings? Look to the left of the post, there you can see how many people have clicked on the listing.

Write Jobs

A host of full and project/freelance jobs, with more popping up almost weekly.

Writers Weekly

A board-based listing. Decent leads.

Morning Coffee

My favorite feature about Morning Coffee is that it can be delivered to your inbox- the perfect reminder to get out and find that job.

Places for Writers

This is a list of "calls for submission." While this may seem best for our creative writing friends, I have found a request for magazine articles and ideas here and there. Worth a look!


Copyblogger not only keeps a well-updated job board, but also has an incredible blog that you simply must read!(FAVORITE CHOICE)

Copywriting Jobs

Here's another community board. Again, the secret is to look at the “views” column to see how many people your competing with for a job.

Poets & Writers

The website of this great magazine boasts an area with a few quality leads. Bookmark them. Some of the leads are fantastic.


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