Do you have trip plans this spring?

Gas prices are expected to hit a record $4 a gallon buy July. Here are a few tips to help you save on fuel.

Use lower octane. Use the lowest grade octane appropriate for your car. This can create some real savings. Using a higher grade unnecessary and simply a waste of money.

Pump up your tires. Don't drive on underinflated tires. This causes tires to wear down more quickly and lower your car's gas mileage.

Brian Moody, road test editor at says "Tires that have low pressure offer more resistance so the engine is going to work harder to keep the car at 60."

Replace air filters. Change you air filter regularly. When the engine air filter clogs with dirt, dust and bugs, it causes your engine to work harder and your car becomes less fuel-efficient. By replacing a clogged air filter, you could improve your gas mileage by as much as 10 percent and save you 15 cents a gallon.

For more tips on saving fuel and car care check out


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